
Professors - PPS

André Marcos Santana
Research field: Sustainable Production / Animal Health
Contact: andrevetms@gmail.com
44 36219439

Antonio Campanha Martinez
Research field: Animal Health/Sustainable Production
Area of expertise: Animal Reproduction
Contact: acmartinez@uem.br

44 36219451

Ferenc Istvan Bánkuti
Research field: Sustainable Production
Area of expertise: Agro-industrial systems and the analysis of animal production
Contact: fibankuti@uem.br
44 3011 4919

Flávio Augusto Vicente Seixas
Research field: Animal Health/Sustainable Production
Area of expertise: Drug development, Protein purification, Biophysical chemistry of
macromolecules, Modeling and simulations applied to the study of biological
Contact: favseixas@uem.br
44 3621 9316

Jefferson Rodrigues Gandra
Research field: Sustainable Production
Area of expertise: Dairy and Beef Cattle Production, Ruminant Nutrition and Fodder Conservation
Contact: jeffersongandra@inifesspa.edu.br

Marilda Onghero Taffarel
Research field: Animal Health
Area of expertise: Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia
Contact: motaffarel@uem.br
44 36299440

Max Gimenez Ribeiro
Research field: Animal Health

Area of expertise: Animal Surgical Clinic
Contact: mgribeiro@uem.br
(44) 3621-9419

Rafael Henrique de Tonissi e Buschinelli de Goes


Ricardo Souza Vasconcelos
Degree in Veterinary Medicine - UFV (2001)
Masters in Veterinary Medicine - UNESP (2004)
PhD in Veterinary Medicine - UNESP (2008)
Expertise: Companion Animals
Email: ricardo.souza.vasconcellos@gmail.com
Phone: (44) 3011-8937
Building: J45 / Room: 128

Simara Marcia Marcato
Degree in Animal Science - UEM (1993)
Master's in Animal Science - UFPEL (1997)
PhD in Animal Science - UNESP (2007)
Expertise: Poultry Production
Email: smmarcato@uem.br
Phone: (44) 3011-8929
Building: J35 / Room: 022

Sheila Rezler Wosiacki
Research field: Animal Health
Area of expertise: microbiology, antimicrobial resistance
Contact: wosiacki@yahoo.com.br